reconnect with your natural state of being
Kinesiology (kin-easy-ology) is a holistic approach to healing that aims to enhance your overall wellbeing and believes in the philosophy that the body can heal itself given the right environment.
The main goal of my Kinesiology sessions is to identify the root issue causing imbalances in your body and then work towards resolving them. These imbalances may be nutritional, emotional, physical, psychological, energetic or even spiritual.
On a subconscious level, our bodies know what is needed to facilitate healing. What Kinesiology can do is access that subconscious insight to assist the body's natural healing process. During a session, this may include a range of healing tools and techniques including meridian tracing, acupressure massage, visualisation, colour and sound frequency, essential oils and crystals, just to name a few!
What Is Kinesiology
Kinesiology uses a non-invasive technique called Muscle testing. Muscle testing involves challenging the bio-feedback mechanism present in all muscles to reveal imbalances within the body. It involves gentle pressure on a midpoint of any particular muscle and depending on how that muscle responds it provides insight into what your body needs to heal.
Through gaining this feedback, I can then work towards balancing the physical, emotional and spiritual aspects of self by using a toolkit of techniques that encompass energy work, emotional processing and physical release.
What's so wonderful about Kinesiology is that you get to leave your session feeling rebalanced, energised and empowered to make positive changes in your life.
How Does It Work
For those who aren’t based in Melbourne or prefer to have sessions in the comfort of their homes, I also offer online Kinesiology sessions.
Whether it’s in-person or online Kinesiology works with your energy and the magic of energy is that it transcends time and space so online sessions can work just as powerfully as if we were in the room together. Plus you also get the bonus of having a session that combines Kinesiology and Life Coaching so you get both the energetic and spiritual release plus emotional guidance with practical tools.
Online Kinesiology
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